Employment Services

Sara Riel Inc. Employment Services has been providing joint mental health and employment supports to individuals since 1990, with a proven track record of success. Our supports and services help people:

  • prepare for entering the workforce
  • choose their type of employment
  • get meaningful work, and
  • keep their jobs

Our services include skill development workshops (Wellness and Self-Care, Decision Making, Self-Confidence, Workplace Culture and Communication), 4-week pre-employment classroom training, job search support, resume and cover letter development, advocacy, mental health employment counseling, and employment retention supports. Whether you are looking to explore career options, find where you can apply existing skills, entering the workforce for the first time, or re-entering after some time away, we are here to help.

For our Employment Services, we work to reduce barriers to accessing our supports by accepting individuals without a formal mental health diagnosis that are having difficulties in preparing for, choosing, getting, or keeping employment. We also provide appointments out in the community, in our office, and virtually to make our supports more accessible. we can also provide on-going supports after you have found a job! Whether employment is something you are just starting to explore, or, you have employment/training goals in mind, we are here to support you in achieving your employment and vocational goals. Please contact us to find out more, we look forward to assisting you.

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