Community Helper-Navigators
Helping Manitobans.
Are you on Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities (MSPD)?
What is MSPD?
MSPD is Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities- an EIA Disability program for those who live with severe and prolonged (mental or physical) disability that is deemed a lifetime disability.
Our Community Helper-Navigators help MSPD recipients across Manitoba with:
- Applications
- Benefits information
- Communication with their financial workers
- Referrals & resource finding:
- Food
- Housing
- Securing ID
- Mental health
- Tax help
- and more!
If you feel we can assist you, contact us to learn more:
Phone: 204-296-3872
In-person: 210 Pacific Avenue, Winnipeg. *Appointments are available 9am-1pm, Monday-Thursday.
Current Community Helper-Navigator outreach locations:
- 354 Loewen Blvd
- EES-Envision
Over 10,000 calls supporting Manitobans through the COVID-19 pandemic.